Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Happy Birfday, Mommee!

Dashiell surprised me this a.m. by making his very first BM in the potty! What a good little guy!

Not a particularly auspicious way to start the day, but I'll take what I can get. I have heard across the board that potty training with boys is much harder than girls (and Rosie wasn't a walk in the park), so I'm trying to give much positive, encouraging reinforcement! Keep at it Dash!


  1. Oh, awesome! That is really, really cool. Happy birthday!

  2. This kinda made me think of Dash's Adventures on the Magic Potty.

  3. I hope i get a BM for my birthday! Are you listening Liam?

    Happy B-Day!

  4. I've heard that as well. Both A and Em were incredibly easy to train once they made up their own minds to do it.

  5. happy belated birthday! yay, poop!


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