Friday, January 09, 2009

The ubiquitous "I have a new iPhone" photo


  1. So that's what your gender does in the restroom.

  2. Congrats!!

    You wont see one of those from me though - I am a Blackberry addict and loyalist and though the iPhone is most awesome I've played with one enough to know it is not for me. However, in the summer I will have a photo of my latest/greatest Blackberry :-)

  3. On a more serious note, it’s unfortunate that some get to take pictures of themselves in the bathroom while honest, hard working Americans across the nation are losing their jobs everyday.

  4. So, how many shots before you decided on this one? I'm impressed with the quality (and, of course, the gal in the mirror).

  5. Ben, exactly. You got me there!

    Christina, up until I was gifted this wonderful, fabulous phone, I had been using various gens of Sidekicks since 2002. I continue to feel strongly about them, as they offer user conveniences that improve the PDA/phone experience. However, the iPhone is hands-down cooler and more powerful. And now, I'm moving on!

    OTC: hm, about 4. At least this one had a little expression! Monkey said my outakes were so blank-looking, they were hot. Like a Richard Avedon portrait.

  6. It's good to see owning an iPhone hasn't changed you too much.

  7. Those phones do not take good photos. You look better than that. Prejudiced tho--cause I am your mom.

  8. Mom, I'll blame the effect of the poor lighting in the room than the phone's quality. When I tried to smile, the shadows from below made it look like my face was spitting in half.

  9. What?! I think it's a great photo!

  10. you look like you will kill anyone who attempts to take the phone, "you wanna piece of dis?" :-) congrats on the phone.


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