Today I had a low-key lunchtime outing with my sister (a.k.a. Auntie M.). We met up near my office and hung out without my kids for the first time in I-can't-remember-when to help pick out new glasses frames for her. I'd rather do that with a shopping partner, too. It did strike me though, that I rarely see her adult-to-adult these days. While we chatted a bit about long-ago lunches (and otherwise) that we shared fairly often when we both lived/worked in DC (pre-kids for me), it was left unsaid that we are primarily calling on each other these days for time with the kids.
I am very fortunate that she loves my children dearly (and right back at her!) and she actively wants to be in their lives, seeing them every weekend. She was reaching out to me, suggesting we could do this more often, meet mid-day and talk about important life matters (or shop for shoes) and just connect.
I dearly welcome this, not only because I do neglect many, many things in my life that don't relate directly with my kids (or work). I don't care so much that I usually have lunch while working at the computer, all my clothes are several seasons old, or that my hair hasn't been cut in over a year, but I do care about her; my heart needs to connect with my sister more.
Happy 20th Anniversary, Make:
2 days ago
It's true, we get so wrapped up in what the kids need, we neglect our adult relationships. I've decided to make a concerted effort to spend more time with grown-up, like having an every-other-Friday happy hour. That way I can still be home in time to help get the kids in bed, but I also have a little adult time with friends. What do you say?