Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Happy 11th Birthday, Rosie!

Rosie, what a beautiful girl you're becoming! You're so fun to be around, so graceful and goofy, and so devoted to your family, friends, and pets. I'm very impressed with the way you've advanced in your Tae Kwon Do class and your tap dance teacher tells me that you're really getting it this year! You're such a great companion when it comes to doing crafts projects: you like sewing, Rainbow Looms, lanyards, origami, and have even tried knitting (we'll get there with the knitting).

We had a bumpy road with academics last year, but your 5th grade teacher really thinks you're working hard and doing well. I'll support you in your studies as much as I can from home, but it's really up to you to to excel in your studies. I'm sure you'll do very well if you keep up your great work — you're so much more focused this year.

You're a loving girl who really cares about the people around you and I hope your friends see that. Keep staying on your own track — you don't need the approval of the popular girls or need to do what everyone else is doing.

We all love you very much, sweet Rose! I hope 11 is a great year for you.

1 comment:

  1. Yes. and don't forget Grandma S loves you very much. Missed you last week but I know you are a tween and need space to be with peers.


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