Saturday, November 30, 2013


A Thanksgiving letter from Dash:

"November 28 2013  Dear Mom 
Thank you for shelter. Thank you for food. Thank you for a place to learn. Thank you for love. And most of all thank you for a loving family. 

To my Blog readers: I'm so very thankful for my family and friends, and for a job that allows me to have a comfortable home and give my kids a good place to learn. 

I'm thankful that when November comes around, it reminds me that I should write more and document our lives better -- I use this record quite a bit to remind me of when events occurred! It's come in handy several times when school projects included a time line, for example. Now that November's over, I'll try not to slack off quite so much'

1 comment:

  1. This was so sweet!

    I totally agree. November is always a good exercise in discipline. I can look back and see what was going on in my life even if the post wasn't specific.


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