Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Mmmm, lunch...

Two-thirds of my delightful lunch today came from my backyard! It was a tomato (yes), basil (yes), and mozzarella (no, we don't have a dairy) salad that AJS lovingly prepared for me. He even went out in the rain this morning to clip basil for the salad. What a trooper; he must love me.

[<--not an actual photo of MY lunch, but an awfully close approximation]

It was delightful! I think he added a bit of olive oil and cracked pepper.

1 comment:

  1. AJS, can i haz sum muzzerella, bazil, n tumater salad, too? looks gooooooood.

    the tomatoes in my backyard are seriously stunted. and the basil? maybe next year, i'd have better luck if i started raising some jersey cows...


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